Category: Vacation
Cap Camarat
Hike up to Cap Camarat. The fantastic view from the lighthouse makes it worth the effort!
Wonderful Gigaro
Such good memories of the summer of 2016 in Gigaro. Gigaro is simply the most beautiful place on earth – magical!
Celebrating Bastille Day
July 14: Allons enfants de la patrie (Let’s go children of the fatherland)… it is time to celebrate! – “Is this a revolt?” asked Louis XVI to the Duque of Rochefoucauld, to which he replied: – “No Sire, this is a revolution.” One of King Louis XVI’s most trusted counsellor pronounced those ominous words on…
There is so much to discover and to do. We welcome you at our Mas de Gigaro.
Gigaro from above
Many thanks to “Capitaine Citron“.
Merry Christmas
Christmas is coming to Gigaro – with 16 Celsius and sunshine! We wish everyone a merry Christmas and look forward to many new and exciting activities in Gigaro in 2016. Merry Christmas Jara, Ilona & Matthias
Swim through Gigaro Bay
On August 13th you have the unique opportunity to swim through Gigaro Bay and be awarded a medal for doing so! Register by calling 04.98 12 68 38 Good luck and enjoy!
Bar de la Plage
Marius a la Plage – Drinks and food on the beach! Views: La Croix-Valmer, France von Leonard Leijenhorst
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